Associated partners Breadcrumb Home Collaborations Associated Partners Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg Since 2022, the Institute for Medical Microbiology and Virology at the University of Oldenburg has been involved in a project… Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin The Charité Institute of Hygiene and Environmental Medicine is one of six partners in the DZIF network “Multidrug-resistant… Düsseldorf University Hospital The University Hospital of Düsseldorf is involved in a study on the control of hepatitis C and contributes to the patient… German Liver Foundation/HepNet Study-House, Hannover Liver diseases and their treatment are the focus of the German Liver Foundation (German only). The HepNet Study House… Greifswald University Medicine Greifswald University Medicine is partnering in a project in the research area Healthcare-Associated Infections, in which the… Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt The Goethe University Frankfurt/Main is active in the DZIF research areas Hepatitis and Healthcare-Associated Infections.In… Kliniken der Stadt Köln In the research area Healthcare-Associated Infections, the Kliniken der Stadt Köln (Clinics of the City of Cologne) are… Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology—Hans Knöll Institute (Leibniz-HKI), Jena The Leibniz-HKI provides various natural products to the DZIF. Scientists of the Leibniz-HKI and the Ludwig-Maximilians… Leibniz University Hannover The Institute of Organic Chemistry at Leibniz Universität Hannover is participating in a joint project in the DZIF research… Medical Center – University of Freiburg The Medical Center—University of Freiburg is a partner in several DZIF projectss in the research areas Hepatitis, Infections… Pagination < Zurück Current page 1 Seite 2 Seite 1 Seite 2 Next page ››