DZIF School

9th Translational DZIF-School

The DZIF Autumn School will take place this year from September 28-30 2022 at the ATLANTIC Hotel Lübeck.

The Autumn School is aimed in particular at young scientists (PhDs, PostDocs and junior research group leaders).

This year, the latest findings and developments will be presented on the topics of "Infections in the Immunocompromised Host", "Tuberculosis", "New Antibiotics", "HIV" and "Hospital Germs and Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria". The programme will be complemented by oral and poster presentations.

Registration and abstract submission is now open.
For more information, please visit the event website at:


DZIF Academy

Hotel Atlantic
Schmiedestraße 9-15
23552 Lübeck

Event type
DZIF School