German Centers for Health Research
Pacesetters in health research
The main aim of the German Federal Government's health research program is to be able to combat major widespread diseases more effectively. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is creating the prerequisites for this by establishing the German Centers for Health Research (DZG) as long-term, equal partnerships of non-university research institutions with universities and university hospitals.
The eight German Centers for Health Research work closely together to exchange experiences and use synergies of co-operation. The goal of all of them is translation: a fast and effective transfer of research results into clinical application and medical care.
Four of six German Centers for Health Research celebrated their 10th anniversary in 2022: the German Center for Lung Research, the German Center for Infection Research, the German Center for Cardiovascular Research and the German Consortium for Translational Cancer Research. The German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD) and the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) already celebrated their 10th anniversary in 2019.
The German Center for Mental Health (DZPG) started its work on 1 May 2023 with a two-year start-up phase. The German Center for Child and Adolescent Health (DZKJ) joined the German Centers for Health Research on 1 June 2024.
SYNERGIE—the magazine of the DZG
RESEARCH FOR HEALTH—under this motto the German Centers for Health Research publish the SYNERGIE magazine twice a year and report on projects and successes in translational research. The research magazine SYNERGIE shows how this interdisciplinary and networked research can bring people better health.
SYNERGIE is published by the German Centers for Health Research as both a print and online magazine. Here you can find all issues published so far (German only).
Cross-DZG structures
DZG Innovation Fund—Promoting cross-disease research
The DZG Innovation Fund (DZGIF) is a joint research funding program of the German Centers for Health Research. With the help of the fund, interdisciplinary synergies between the DZGs are to be exploited and promising cross-disease research projects advanced. The prerequisite for the funding of a project on jointly agreed research topics is the participation of scientists from at least three of the six DZGs. Researchers from five of the six DZGs joined forces and submitted the successful proposal entitled "Cell type-specific targeting for future in vivo delivery in cell & gene therapy".
The topic of the first call was cell and gene therapy. Researchers from five of the six DZGs joined forces and submitted the successful proposal entitled "Cell type-specific targeting for future in vivo delivery in cell & gene therapy". Prof. Tobias Feuchtinger and Prof. Boris Fehse are involved in the project as DZIF scientists.
To DZG press release of 20.03.2023
Cross-DZG working groups—Stronger together
Whether genetics, digitization or drug development—many aspects and methods of research into common diseases are similar within the various DZGs. DZG scientists organize themselves in six working groups to exchange their knowledge and establish joint structures:
- Global Health
- Patient Participation
- Promotion of Young Scientists
- Public Relations
- Regulatory Aspects of Clinical Trials
- Research IT
German Centers for Health Research
German Cancer Consortium (DKTK)
German Center for Child and Adolescent Health (DZKJ)
German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD)
German Center for Cardiovascular Research (DZHK)
German Center for Infection Research (DZIF)
German Centre for Lung Research (DZL)