DZG Lunchtime Career Talk

DZG Lunchtime Career Talk: Turning Knowledge into Solutions: Working in Translational Research

Monthly virtual talk series for all young scientists of the German Centers for Health Research (DZG). 

Learn about different career paths in science. Expand your network and learn from your career role models!

At the next session Dr. Bilal Sheikh will give insights into his work.

About the speaker

Dr. Bilal Sheikh heads the Vascular Epigenetics group at the Helmholtz Institute for Metabolic, Obesity and Vascular Research (HI-MAG), an institute of Helmholtz Munich. He is a molecular biologist, with extensive expertise in metabolism, epigenetics and vascular biology. His current research leverages his expertise in these areas to address how blood vessels adapt to injury and metabolic stress. Given the presence of vascular defects in virtually all major diseases, he aims to identify key molecular mechanisms that improve vascular function and mitigate the development of severe diseases such as dementia.



Meeting link
The DZG Lunchtime Career Talks take place as online events via Microsoft Teams. The meeting link will be sent to participants after registration.

Dr. Leonie Herrmann
German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD)
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German Centers for Health Research (DZG)


Event type
DZG Lunchtime Career Talk