Epstein-Barr-Virus (EBV) can cause infectious mononucleosis and is responsible for different cancers.
Humanes-Herpes-Virus 4
Detailed description
EBV belongs to the family of herpes viruses. Most people are, often unnoticed, infected with this virus. By disturbing division of infected cells, EBV contributes to the development of cancer. So far, there is no vaccination against EBV.
Scientists from the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF) are on a specific quest for the causes of and biomarkers for severe courses of Pfeiffer’s disease. The disease is caused by the Epstein
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) prevents infected cells from being attacked by the immune system. The virus drives production of small molecules, so-called microRNAs, that suppress alarm signals sent out by
In a clinical trial at the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF), leukaemia patients are being administered specially purified immune cells, so-called memory T cells, for the first time after a