Short description

Hepatitis is an infection of the liver, which, in most cases, is caused by hepatitis viruses.

Detailed description

There are five types of hepatitis viruses (A, B, C, D and E). Acute viral hepatitis is common in Germany. It is caused by hepatitis viruses A to E. Infections with hepatitis viruses B, C and D can take a chronic course and result in liver cirrhosis. Symptoms are first flu-like; in later phases of the disease a yellowing of the skin is often observed. Hepatitis may also be caused by certain autoimmune diseases or toxins. Acute hepatitis can proceed asymptomatically or manifest itself in yellowing of the skin and the eyes, nausea and an extreme fatigue. Hepatitis may lead to liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. Within DZIF, a separate research field is dedicated to this disease.