Bonn - Köln
DZIF scientists in Bonn - Köln develop broad-spectrum anti-virals in the research area Emerging Infections. New therapeutic approaches, active agents and diagnostic procedures are in focus of the research area Healthcare-Associated Infections. In the research area Infections in the Immunocompromised Host, the therapy of viral infections is a key subject. In the research area Novel Antibiotics, the antibiotic corallopyronin A is being advanced in cooperation with the Translational Project Management Office (TPMO) and the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM). In HIV research, T cell and antibody immunity as well as treatment approaches are being taken into translation and the Translational Platform HIV is being supported. The research area Hepatitis is working on predicting the therapeutic success of chronic HBV and HDV infections. The partner site also conducts research on multidrug-resistant tuberculosis pathogens and neglected tropical diseases. Other focus areas include SARS-CoV-2, the DZIF Bioresources, Biodata and Digital Health infrastructure and the VACCELERATE clinical network in the Clinical Trial Unit.