DZIF Academy Travel Grant

Travel grants from the DZIF to attend conferences and workshops. Applications open year-round.

The DZIF Academy is pleased to announce DZIF Travel Grants for participation in workshops and conferences. The aim of the funding is to enable young scientists as first or last author of publications/presentations from DZIF projects to present their research at a national or international scientific conference or similar event outside the DZIF network. Presentations can be oral or poster.

The DZIF Travel Grant covers participation fees as well as travel and accommodation costs associated with the scientific event. Travel grants of up to €1,000 are available for events within Europe and up to €1,500 for events outside Europe. Costs for meals and social events cannot be covered. Please note that DZIF travel grants cannot be awarded for DZIF internal events, such as DZIF Schools or Annual Meetings.

Who can apply?

Only early career researchers who wish to attend an event as the first or last author of a presentation from a current DZIF-funded project are eligible to apply. No exceptions will be considered.

Only one application can be submitted during the entire career. If a lab rotation application has already been approved, the travel grant application will not be considered. Only one application per year is allowed per research group.

What do I need to apply?

  • Application form
  • Confirmation from the organizer (e.g. invitation) for your presentation

Successful candidates are required to write a short report after the event for the DZIF Academy documentation. The DZIF logo must be visible during the presentation.

Deadline for applications

Applications must be received at least eight weeks prior to the event. Please submit your application as a PDF file to the DZIF Academy.

Applications will be reviewed based on authorship and the relevance of the event to the project. For more information, please contact the DZIF Academy.