Epidemiology investigates the occurrence and distribution of diseases within the population. Moreover, molecular biology techniques are used in molecular epidemiology.
Detailed description
Epidemiologists use mainly statistical methods to make statements about the incidence of a disease in a population or to simulate the spread of an epidemic with models. Molecular epidemiology gains insights from the molecular properties of a human or a pathogen.
Researchers from the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF) and the University of Giessen have shown that the gene for resistance to colistin, which was recently discovered in China, also exists
Researchers from the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF) have confirmed the spread of a “multidrug-resistant plasmid” in a hospital. This plasmid is a mobile genetic element which can transfer
A 49-year-old patient from Qatar has been receiving hospital treatment in London for two weeks for the symptoms of an acute, serious respiratory disease where a new corona virus has been detected