© cdc/James Gathany

Bridging Topic: Antibody-Based Therapies

We want to effectively contribute to the protection against and therapy of infectious diseases with monoclonal antibodies.

Monoclonal antibodies have great potential to be used effectively to protect against and treat infectious diseases. Their development into new drugs is more necessary than ever at a time when increasing resistance is rendering existing anti-infectives ineffective and ever new viruses can trigger dangerous diseases. Broadly neutralising antibodies against HI viruses and against the SARS-CoV-2 virus have already been identified and clinically tested in the DZIF. Nevertheless, major challenges remain to optimally exploit the full potential of therapeutic antibodies.

Mission of the Bridging Topic "Antibody-Based Therapies"

The interdisciplinary group on the Bridging Topic "Antibody-Based Therapies" aims to advance the development, production and clinical testing of monoclonal antibodies and thus bring new drugs into application. Experts from different areas provide their knowledge and link existing infrastructures and resources within the DZIF and beyond. Overarching collaboration with the other German Centers for Health Research has already begun and contacts with pharmaceutical companies are being intensified and expanded. The group will advise the Executive Board on future projects. Young scientists in antibody research will be supported.

Download mission statement


Five workshops on the Bridging Topic have been held so far: