Multidrug resistance means that bacteria or viruses are insensitive towards various antibiotics or antivirals, respectively.
Multiple drug resistance
Detailed description
There is a general increase of resistances against antibiotics. Infections with multidrug-resistant pathogens pose a serious problem as their treatment with antibiotics is difficult or not possible any more.
Jörg Janne Vehreschild started his professional career as a programmer. However, he soon decided to pursue his second passion and began his medical studies a year later. Today, at only 39, Vehreschild
In the journal The Lancet, DZIF researchers from the Research Center Borstel and their colleagues from England and South Africa make the case for optimising tuberculosis drug development. They
For the population geneticist Ulrich Nübel almost everything revolves around gene sequences of bacterial strains. The scientist obtains a lot of information through analysing them: The course of
An international research team led by the Research Center Borstel, developed a new method to label tubercle bacilli, the causative agents of tuberculosis with unique identifiers created from whole
The first antibiotic against tuberculosis that has been developed in Germany is now ready for clinical testing. BTZ043, as the newly developed drug substance is called, is also effective against
Early detection of antibiotic resistant pathogens can be life-saving. DZIF-scientists at the Institute for Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Hygiene, University of Cologne, have developed an
Human herpesvirus 6 infects most people all over the world. It is usually well controlled by the body, but it can cause diseases in immunocompromised individuals. As reported in ‘PLOS Pathogens’, DZIF
The global increase of tuberculosis patients is alarming, particularly the increase of cases of so-called multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) in which the pathogen is insensitive to the most
The National Reference Center at the Research Center Borstel has confirmed a Europe-wide outbreak of a multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strain in 29 refugees from the Horn of Africa. The
An international tuberculosis consortium—including the Research Center Borstel—has succeeded in developing a standardised and internationally recognised method that is able to better predict in